Aspects of Vedic puja

Mantras andChants:
Central to Vedic puja are therecitation of Vedic mantras and chants, which are considered sacred andpowerful. These mantras are often in Sanskrit and are recited to invoke thepresence and blessings of the deity being worshiped.
Offerings(Upacharas): Various offerings such asflowers, incense, fruits, sweets, and water are presented to the deity duringthe puja. These offerings symbolize devotion, purity, and gratitude towards thedivine.
Idol orImage of the Deity: In most Vedic pujas, an idolor image representing the deity is placed on a sacred altar or pedestal. Thedeity is believed to manifest in the idol during the puja, making it a focalpoint for worship.
Aarti: Aarti is a ritual in which a lamp or lightedcamphor is waved in front of the deity to signify the removal of darkness andignorance, and to welcome the divine presence.
Homam orYagna: Some Vedic pujas may include ahomam or yagna, which involves offerings into a consecrated fire. This fireritual is believed to purify the environment and invoke divine blessings.
Prayers andMeditation: Participants in the pujaengage in prayers, meditation, and contemplation to connect with the divine andseek blessings for their well-being, success, and spiritual growth.
PurificationRituals: Before initiating the puja,purification rituals such as sprinkling holy water, chanting mantras, andlighting incense sticks are performed to cleanse the worship space and theparticipants.