Prominent Pujas

1. Temple Pujas: Kerala is famous forits temples, many of which are dedicated to various Hindu deities like LordKrishna, Lord Ayyappa, Goddess Bhagavathy, and Lord Shiva. Pujas in temples areconducted by priests according to ancient customs and traditions.
2. Household Pujas: In Kerala, householdsoften have a dedicated prayer room or corner where daily pujas are performed.Families worship their chosen deities with offerings of flowers, incense,lamps, and food items. The rituals vary depending on family traditions and beliefs.
3. Festival Pujas: Kerala is known forits vibrant festivals, during which elaborate pujas are conducted in templesand homes. Some of the major festivals include Onam, Vishu, Thiruvathira, andthe famous Thrissur Pooram. These festivals involve special pujas, processions,cultural performances, and feasting.